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ESG Risk Assessments FAQs
ESG Risk Assessments FAQs

Get answers to frequently asked questions about IBISWorld’s Australia, United Kingdom and Germany ESG Risk Assessments.

Updated over 3 months ago

What are ESG Risk Assessments?

ESG Risk Assessments are report-style overviews that provide industry-wide ESG risk scores and strategy guidance through unbiased datasets, proprietary scorecards and actionable analysis. They offer unmatched visibility into ESG-related risks and opportunities to help you develop sustainable strategies, monitor risks across the value chain and set ESG benchmarks for achievable success.

What is an ESG Risk Score?

Our ESG risk scores are evidence-based scores that measure an industry’s performance across the three main categories: environmental, social and governance. Scores are presented on a scale of 1 to 9, with 1 indicating the lowest level of risk related to possible compliance issues and litigation claims, detriments to society, and defamation of public image, among other factors. When industries score high on the scale, these issues are considered severe enough to pose negative financial impacts.

What countries are ESG Risk Assessments available for?

We offer the following ESG Risk Assessment collections:

  • Australia ESG Risk Assessments

  • United Kingdom ESG Risk Assessments

  • Germany ESG Risk Assessments (German language)

Each collection includes an ESG Risk Scores Listing that can be downloaded and sorted for easy identification of the most and least risky industries.

How do I access ESG Risk Assessments?

Depending on your research needs, you can either start by accessing the ESG Risk Scores Listing or you can navigate more directly to an assessment from an Industry Report.

If your goal is to identify high-to-low-risk industries for targeting, you can start with the ESG Risk Scores Listing, which is located under “Products” in the navigation menu. You can click on an industry in the list to access the associated ESG Risk Assessment.

The ESG Risk Scores Listing in the Supplementary Products section of the global navigation menu.

If you already know which industry you need ESG insights for, you can access an ESG Risk Assessment from the Related Industry Products section in an Industry Report.

The ESG Risk Assessment in the Related Industry Products section of an Industry Report.

Can I download ESG Risk Assessments? 

The ESG Risk Assessments can be downloaded as PDF or Word documents, and the ESG Risk Scores Listings can be downloaded as Excel files.

How are IBISWorld’s ESG risk scores calculated?

Our scores are derived from a combination of quantitative data and qualitative research. Our analysts assess nearly 30 variables that are grouped into 15 main factors. The 15 factors are then averaged to produce an overall score. Details on score weightings can be found in the Australia, United Kingdom and Germany (German language) methodology papers.

Factors included in ESG Risk Scores

All ESG risk scores

  • Commitment to Environmental Initiatives

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Waste Management

  • Water Efficiency

  • Fair Labour Standards

  • Leave Benefits

  • Pay Equality

  • Workforce Composition

  • Regulatory Complexity

  • Tax Corruption

Australia ESG risk scores

  • Trade with Risky Geopolitical Regions

  • Modern Slavery

  • Fines, Penalties and Enforceability

  • First Nations Participation

United Kingdom ESG risk scores

  • High-Risk Geographies

  • Anti-Corruption Mechanisms

  • Involvement in Controversy

  • Lobbying Presence

Germany ESG risk scores

  • Worker safety (Arbeitssicherheit)

  • Supply chain risk (Risiken entlang der Wertschöpfungskette)

  • Public controversies (Öffentliche Kontroversen)

  • Anti-competitive business practices (Kollusion)

How did IBISWorld decide which factors to include in its ESG risk scores?

When selecting the 15 factors used in our scoring, our research team focused on the issues most relevant to all industries and most mentioned in legislation. Our team also sought out factors that align with disclosure recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to ensure that the scores would be relevant and actionable to clients in procurement, consulting, banking, accounting and beyond.

What are the key data sources used for ESG Risk Assessments? 

We source quantitative data for ESG Risk Assessments from government agencies and Transparency International. Government data sources vary depending on geography. You can find a complete list of sources by downloading the Australia, United Kingdom and Germany (German language) methodology papers.

We conduct qualitative research using company annual reports, industry associations, industry regulatory bodies and unbiased news articles.

Why are ESG risk scores valued on a scale of 1-9?

Our scores use the same numeric scale found in our Risk Ratings Reports to allow for streamlined use of our full suite of risk products. When developing score-driven products, we emphasise numeric ratings because they are easiest to integrate with our clients’ existing scoring practices and risk modelling frameworks. We consider numeric scoring to be more intuitive than, for example, an alphabetical scale that is difficult to translate into numerals.

Does IBISWorld provide company ESG risk data?

Our Australia ESG Risk Assessments include a dedicated section for company analysis. The section is designed to spotlight the top ESG issues for major companies in an industry and report on how the companies have responded. Numeric scores are not currently part of this analysis. Furthermore, the UK and Germany (German language) ESG Risk Assessments do not cover company analysis or scoring at this time.

How do IBISWorld’s ESG Risk Assessments compare to similar products on the market?

Our ESG Risk Assessments fill a gap in the market by focusing on industry data first and company information second. All scores reflect industry-based risks across the ESG landscape, thus avoiding company bias. Other ESG products provide company ESG scores or analyse a collection of company scores (oftentimes from their own client pool) to identify trends that apply to an industry. We start at the industry level, using unbiased survey data and government reporting to calculate a more comprehensive score that is not weighted by leaders or laggards within the industry.

Can I use IBISWorld's ESG ESG Risk Assessments to assess Scope 1,2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions?

Yes. There are three main factors that correspond with Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions, which are quantified in the Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy Efficiency and Waste Management scores, respectively.

The Environmental Issue Component Scores.

Scope 1

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions score can be used to assess Scope 1 emissions because it measures the emissions produced by companies within the industry. A high Greenhouse Gas Emissions score is correlated with high Scope 1 emissions.

Scope 2

The Energy Efficiency score can be used to assess Scope 2 emissions because it indicates the level of emissions produced by companies’ energy sources. A high Energy Efficiency score indicates higher Scope 2 emissions.

The Australia ESG Risk Assessments provide additional insight into Scope 2 emissions through the Company ESG Assessments and Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities sections. These sections may report on the industry’s prioritisation of green energy solutions or individual companies’ responses to energy efficiency challenges.

Scope 3

The Waste Management score can be used as a proxy to assess Scope 3 emissions, which include emissions from assets not owned or controlled by a company, but that the company indirectly affects in its value chain. The Waste Management score is not an all-encompassing measure of Scope 3 emissions but does help to quantify one piece of the puzzle. Scope 3 emissions are particularly difficult to measure as reporting standards have historically been unclear. Once more stringent reporting standards are in place and more data becomes available, we will be able to provide insight into other factors that contribute to Scope 3 emissions.

Outside of the scorecard factors, users can refer to the ESG Risk Across the Supply Chain section of the ESG Risk Score Overview chapter. This section provides transparency into ESG risk in upstream and downstream industries, helping to quantify the potential impacts from indirect sources of risk across the value chain.

How timely is IBISWorld’s ESG coverage?

Because we use a variety of survey data and government sources to calculate ESG risk scores, the timeliness of information varies but will always reflect the most recent data available at the time of update. Our analysts update the ESG Risk Assessments each time they update the associated Industry Report, which happens 1-4 times per year.

How can I purchase IBISWorld’s ESG Risk Assessments?

ESG Risk Assessments can be added to any membership that includes either UK SIC, UK Specialized or Australian ANZSIC Industry Reports. For German-language ESG Risk Assessments, our WZ Industry Reports are a prerequisite.

For additional questions regarding our ESG Risk Assessments, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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