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Trials FAQs

Get answers to commonly asked questions about trials.

Updated over 9 months ago

What products can I trial?

You can trial the following collections:

How can I start a trial?

You can start a trial by opening a report in a collection that you’re not subscribed to. To access a collection you’re not subscribed to, you can use the search bar or navigate to the collection in the Products tab of the navigation menu under All Regions.

The All Regions menu in the Products tab of the site navigation menu.

Select a country within the All Regions menu to view the products available for that region.

Industry Reports and Specialized Industry Reports

To start a trial of an Industry Report or Specialized Industry Report collection, open a report then click “Start your free trial” in the component at the top of the About page. If the component is still there after clicking the button, please reload the page.

The component to start a trial at the top of the About page in an Industry Report.

All other products

For all other products, click the “Start your free trial” button on the modal when you try to access a report.

The start trial modal for Australia Risk Ratings Reports.

Can I trial multiple products at once?

No, you are only able to trial one product at a time.

How long is my trial?

Your trial lasts a total of 7 days.

Why does it say the trial lasts only 4 days when I start my trial?

If you start a trial of a collection your colleague is already trialing, you will join their trial, making your total trial time less than 7 days. If they started the trial more than 3 days prior, you will start your own 7-day trial.

Can I download content during my trial?

No, you can only access report data and insights online.

Can I extend my trial?

You can’t extend your trial manually; however, you can request a trial extension from your Client Relationship Manager.

Can I share my trial with my colleagues?

You can request your CRM to share your trial with your colleagues.

Will I be charged after my trial ends?

No, trials are completely free.

How can I learn more about the product I’m trialing?

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