What is the Australia Audit Fee Wizard?
The Australia Audit Fee Wizard provides detailed audit information for the top 2,000 Australian companies (including the top 500 ASX-listed companies). It includes a detailed breakdown of audit fees for the past 5 years, members of the Audit Committee and the 5-year history of the auditor firm and the audit signing partner.
How to use the Australia Audit Fee Wizard
Quick lists
Select from a list of pre-defined options to view the information online or download to Excel. The pre-defined lists are described below.
Audit Fee Breakdown
Get the full rundown of each company’s total audit and non-audit fees. Non-audit fees are those not directly related to the audit, such as tax services, legal compliance and advisory services.
Audit Market Share
This list details the market share of all the players. Refine results by segmenting by state, ownership type and company type. There are also parameters to restrict the size of the list returned.
Audit Committee
Here you’ll find details on any other individuals outside of the company’s directors that make up the audit committee that is responsible for overseeing financial reporting and disclosure.
Audit Signing Partner
This provides detail on the signing partner (where available) for each company in the database.
Audits Won
This list shows the new audits won and includes the previous audit company.
Audits Lost
Discover who the previous auditor was and find information on the new auditor.
Internal Auditor
This tells you who the company’s internal auditor is.
Signing Partner Changes
This list details who the current auditing firm is, the signing partner and the number of years the partner has been on board as the signing partner. Since signing partners must change every 5 years, you’ll get a heads-up on which companies will need to source a new signing partner over the next 5-year period.
What is the Query Builder?
The Query Builder is a tool within the Audit Fee Wizard where you can create your own customised list. Select your criteria and customise your results using the advanced filters (financial sort, audit fees, auditor, signing partner and industry).
Once your initial list is returned, further customise using additional filters, such as state, ownership type and company limit. You can also restrict the result limit to up to 500 companies. Additionally, once your list is finalised to your specifications, you can either view it online or export it to Excel for further analysis.
For additional questions regarding the Australia Audit Fee Wizard, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, please contact us to learn more about our membership options.