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European Coverage

An overview of the types of reports included in IBISWorld’s industry research across Europe.

Updated over 12 months ago

Our European industry research coverage falls into three categories of reports:

  1. The Europe Collection: Country- and continent-level insights with Spotlight Reports and Factsheets.

  2. Core Industry Collections: UK, Ireland and Germany Industry Reports, covering in-depth country-level insights for established industries.

  3. Specialised Industry Collections: UK Specialised Reports, covering in-depth country-level insights for additional industries outside of the Core Industry Collections.

Learn what’s included in each collection below.

The Europe Collection

The Europe Collection covers Europe- and country-level reports for industries within the ISIC industry classification system. This collection allows you to drill down from Europe-level data to more granular data at the country level with interconnected reports.

The collection consists of the following reports:

  • Europe Spotlight Reports

  • Europe Factsheets

  • Country Factsheets

Report coverage

The following eight chapters can be found across the collection, with information provided at varying levels of depth and detail:

  • At a Glance

  • Performance

  • Products and Markets

  • Competitive Forces

  • External Environment

  • Financial Benchmarks

  • Country Benchmarks

  • Key Statistics

Europe Spotlight Reports also include the following chapters:

  • Companies

  • Geographic Breakdown

  • Call Prep Questions

Europe Spotlight Reports

Europe Spotlight Reports cover 30-40 pages of data, analysis, current events and key trends for 250+ European industries. These reports provide holistic coverage of the industry across Europe and highlight centres of influence within the industry. While facts and figures are primarily provided at the continent level, key performance data can be broken down further across each country using benchmarking tools and comprehensive data tables.

Use Europe Spotlight Reports to:

  • Assess performance at the continent level.

  • Compare performance across multiple European countries.

  • Discover the most influential regions in an industry.

  • Support multinational research and business objectives.

  • Understand where to focus your business strategies across Europe.


Country Factsheets

Country Factsheets contain 10-15 pages of critical industry data. They cover 37 countries, including France, Italy and Spain (formerly Spotlight Industry Reports). There are roughly 200 to 400 reports for most countries. These data-driven reports highlight the country’s position in the industry through rankings and benchmarking tools. Analysis is included in select chapters and may be more robust for some countries than others, depending on how much influence the country has on the wider European industry.

Use Country Factsheets to:

  • Assess industry performance at the national level within the context of Europe.

  • Verify market potential in countries of interest.

  • Identify comparable countries for consideration in business strategies.

  • Compare performance and productivity metrics across countries.

  • Understand the benefits and drawbacks of doing business in a given country.

We offer Country Data Factsheets for the following countries in Europe:

  1. Austria

  2. Belgium

  3. Bosnia and Herzegovina

  4. Bulgaria

  5. Croatia

  6. Cyprus

  7. Czechia

  8. Denmark

  9. Estonia

  10. Finland

  11. France

  12. Germany

  13. Greece

  14. Hungary

  15. Iceland

  16. Ireland

  17. Italy

  18. Latvia

  19. Lithuania

  20. Luxembourg

  21. Malta

  22. Netherlands

  23. North Macedonia

  24. Norway

  25. Poland

  26. Portugal

  27. Romania

  28. Russian Federation

  29. Serbia

  30. Slovakia

  31. Slovenia

  32. Spain

  33. Sweden

  34. Switzerland

  35. Turkey

  36. Ukraine

  37. United Kingdom

Europe Factsheets

Europe Factsheets are the same data-rich 10–15-page reports as Country Factsheets for 199 Europe Industries. Like the Europe Spotlight Reports, these Factsheets cover industry performance at the continent level, which can then be broken down further across each country using benchmarking tools and comprehensive data tables. While these reports may summarize or interpret key data points on market size and other performance and productivity metrics, they do not include detailed analysis of the trends or events driving performance.

Use Europe Factsheets to:

  • Assess performance at the continent level.

  • Compare performance across multiple European countries.

  • Discover the most influential regions in an industry.

  • Support multinational research and business objectives.

  • Understand where to focus your business strategies across Europe.

Core Industry Collections

Our Core Industry Collections span the UK, Ireland and Germany, as well as the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The Industry Reports provided in these collections are our most in-depth reports and form the bedrock of our research products. Unlike the Europe Collection, which uses the international coding system (ISIC), our Core Industry Reports align with each country’s national industry classification system (E.g., UK SIC, WZ).

European coverage in the Core Industry Collection spans the following geographies:

  • United Kingdom Industry Reports

  • Ireland Industry Reports

  • Germany Industry Reports

Report coverage

The following chapters can be found across each Industry Report:

  • At a Glance

  • Performance

  • Products and Markets

  • Geographic Breakdown

  • Competitive Forces

  • Companies

  • External Environment

  • Financial Benchmarks

  • Key Statistics

  • Call Prep Questions

UK, Ireland and Germany Industry Reports

Industry Reports cover 40+ pages of comprehensive data and analysis. Industry Reports follow our legacy structure and are written by local analysts in the predominant local language. They cover well-established industries and markets within each country and include detailed analysis of related trends in nearly every chapter. These reports do not include a Country Benchmarks chapter that compares other countries or the continent.

Use Industry Reports to:

  • Evaluate an industry’s performance in one country.

  • Get a robust and localised understanding of an industry.

  • Craft detailed business strategies for local operators.

  • Support SWOT, Porter’s 5 Forces and risk management frameworks.

  • Get a 360-degree view of the external environment and competitive landscape.

Specialised Report Collections

Specialised Industry Reports cover the same 40+ pages of comprehensive data and analysis as the Core Industry Collections for niche industries that fall outside of standard national industrial classification systems.

Like the Core Industry Reports, these reports are written by local analysts in the predominant local language. Similarly, they do not include Country Benchmarking features or any country-to-country comparisons. They are laser-focused on the national industry only.

Use Specialised Industry Reports to:

  • Evaluate an industry’s performance in one country.

  • Get a robust and localised understanding of niche industries and their unique market dynamics.

  • Craft detailed business strategies for start-ups and other companies filling market niches.

  • Support SWOT, Porter’s 5 Forces and risk management frameworks.

  • Get a 360-degree view of the external environment and competitive landscape.

UK Specialised Industry Reports

The UK Specialised Industry Report collection covers 200+ niche and emerging industries in the UK. The collection focuses on industries that have gained prominence since UK SIC was developed in 2007 and do not have dedicated UK SIC codes. Industries in this collection are often more granular segments of UK SIC industries that are gaining relevance. Some reports in this collection are On-Demand, meaning they will be written upon request and delivered within five business days.

For additional questions regarding IBISWorld’s Europe Collection or Core Industry Collection, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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