As we continue our mission to empower businesses globally with comprehensive industry information, we have recently added new insights for the French market. Our France Collection provides industry insights for 418 industries. We offer this industry coverage in two different report templates:
France Factsheets: Critical industry data presented in the context of the broader European industry (10-15 pages)
France Spotlight Reports (new): Comprehensive industry data and analysis that places France at the centre (20-40 pages)
To browse the industry titles offered in the France Collection and determine which template they follow, please download the list of industries.
To our Europe Collection subscribers: For a limited time, beginning on 18 February 2025, members who subscribe to our Europe Collection will gain access to the 225 France Spotlight Reports in the new France Collection. You can use this time to preview the new data and evaluate its fit for your organisation. After the trial period, access will revert back to the Factsheet versions of these reports.
France Factsheets
France Factsheets cover 10-15 pages of critical industry data, presented in relation to the broader industry in Europe. Dense with data visuals, these Factsheets highlight the country’s position in the industry through rankings, benchmarking tools and written interpretations of the data. Analysis is included in select chapters and may be more robust for some industries than others, depending on how much influence the industry has within France.
When you purchase the France Collection, you can choose to view these Factsheets in either English or French, depending on your language preference.
The collection is organised using the ISIC industry classification system and is mapped to other European industries to facilitate comparisons across geographies:
You can use France Factsheets to:
Assess industry performance at the national level within the context of Europe.
Verify market potential in France, as compared to nearby countries.
Identify comparable countries for consideration in business strategies.
Compare performance and productivity metrics between France and other countries.
Understand the benefits and drawbacks of doing business in France.
France Spotlight Reports (new)
France Spotlight Reports cover 20-40 pages of data, analysis, current events and key trends that are hyper-specific to France. These reports provide comprehensive coverage of the industry across France, including several sections of information not included in Factsheets:
The focus of these reports is the French market, with all data points (including company data, external drivers, and product and market segmentation) reflecting trends in France, rather than Europe-wide trends. While they do include the same country benchmarking tools that enable comparisons to neighbouring countries and the rest of Europe, the primary focus of these reports is on France.
Use France Spotlight Reports to:
Assess performance within France.
Compare performance between France and other European countries.
Discover the external drivers affecting industry performance within France.
Identify and analyse the market share of French businesses operating in the industry.
Understand how competitive the industry is within France.
Report contents
Chapters included in Factsheets and Spotlight Reports
The following eight chapters can be found across the France Factsheets and Spotlight Reports, with information provided at varying levels of depth and detail depending on the industry and report template:
At a Glance
Products and Markets
Competitive Forces
External Environment
Financial Benchmarks
Country Benchmarks
Key Statistics
Information included only in France Spotlight Reports
Executive Summaries
Each report offers a concise, synthesised overview of industry conditions. These summaries help you quickly evaluate industry strengths, weaknesses, risks, and opportunities critical to informed decision-making and ready to use in credit reports or market analyses.
French Market Share Trends
Building upon the Europe-level company lists from our Factsheets, the France Spotlight Reports include more detailed market share analysis that focuses on French companies, specifically. Laser-focused on France, the market share breakdown reveals the dominance and evolution of major players in the French market. With historical trends and current market share breakdown, you get a complete look at each company’s market position in France.
Detailed External Driver Data and Analysis
Taking a deeper look at the French business environment, the External Environment chapter in France Spotlight Reports includes timeseries data for each external driver, as well as analysis on how influential the driver is across the industry. We track more than 100 drivers that relate to the industries in our France Collection, with each report featuring up to four drivers that help you contextualise industry trends and anticipate future shocks.
Detailed Product and Service Line Segmentation
Expanding on the list-style segmentation data in both the Products and Services and Major Markets chapters, the France Spotlight Reports list the percentages that each segment accounts for across the industry. Use this data to spot new revenue streams or quantify the impact of potential disruptions in demand.
France-centric Performance Analysis
With a sharper focus on France, specifically, our team of analysts has expanded their coverage on current trends and business conditions across the country. While France Factsheets have historically contained some analysis, their Spotlight counterparts now guarantee analysis on multiple trends affecting the current and forecast periods to help you understand the various challenges and advantages at play within France.
Language toggle
France Spotlight Reports and Factsheets include a language preference toggle at the top right-hand corner of all reports. This toggle allows you to view the report content in English or French.
For information on 30+ other European countries that we cover, please view the European Coverage article.
To inquire about purchasing the France Collection or upgrading the Europe Collection to include our new France Spotlight Reports, please contact your client relationship manager or fill out a contact form on our website.