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US Segment Benchmarking

How to use IBISWorld’s US Segment Benchmarking.

Updated over a week ago

What is US Segment Benchmarking?

With our US Segment Benchmarking add-on chapter, we provide granular data and insights that capture the different sized companies that operate in an industry. This data enables you to benchmark a company against different businesses across the industry by employee size and average revenue per business. 

With our employee and revenue segment breakdowns, you’ll better understand the nuances of your client’s operating environment and more accurately compare your client’s performance and productivity against similar-sized peers in the industry.  

US Segment Benchmarking provides you with the granular data and insights you need to create a more holistic picture of your client’s positioning. 

The US Segment Benchmarking Product

Why is segment benchmarking important?

Our analysts strive to provide more granularity and data that better reflects your or your client’s business. Segment benchmarking provides this detail which is important for the following reasons: 

  • National landscape, major players or industry averages are rarely representative of your client’s business, because they are often in the SMB/SME/mid-cap range 

  • Major player companies can have an outsized influence on the industry which means that industry patterns/insights might not be as valuable to you or your clients 

  • You need data and insights that better reflect the industry environment in which your business or your client’s businesses operate 

  • While our averages help you understand trends of an industry, to understand the nuances of SMB/SME/mid-cap businesses, you need insights that represent an average of industry operators that have more in common with your client 

What is included in US Segment Benchmarking?  

If you subscribe to this add-on chapter, Segment Benchmarking will appear after the Key Statistics Chapter for most US NAICS reports (excluding the agricultural sector). This section dives into the different sized segments of the industry, breaking up key statistics and trends by business size. Segments include:  

  • 0-4 Employees  

  • 5–9 Employees  

  • 10–19 Employees  

  • 20–99 Employees  

  • 100–499 Employees  

  • 500+ Employees 

Employee segments

Each of these segments outlines: 

  • Revenue, employees, establishments, wages and other key statistics trends 

  • Multiple years’ worth of historical data plus a 5-year forecast 

  • A breakdown of how much revenue each operator-size segment makes up of the total industry size 

  • Key insights such as highest and lowest market share, fastest growing and declining market share and revenue trends 

  • Performance benchmarking across the different operator-size segments that breaks down a segment’s performance in revenue, employees, establishments, wages, enterprises and entry and exit rates 

  • Productivity benchmarking across the different industry operator-size segments that breaks down a segment’s revenue per employee, wages as a share of revenue, employees per establishment, revenue per dollar of wages, average wages, and expansion and contraction rates 

  • Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) faced by each industry operator-size segment 

All of this allows you to benchmark your clients against the segment, all other industry segments and the industry more broadly.  

The 0-4 employees segment

IBISWorld’s US Segment Benchmarking provides:  

  • A unique view on specific client benchmarks 

  • Consistent ties back to larger industry trends 

  • Key insights and trends broken down by segment 

  • The ability to more seamlessly navigate between the industry and its segments 

  • Data visualizations and data tables that can be used as a reference when comparing a company against other similarly sized businesses or the industry itself 

  • The ability to cross-reference other industry segments and the industry itself 

  • Online access plus PDF and Word downloads 

Who will find US Segment Benchmarking valuable?  

Commercial Bankers 

Commercial bankers use IBISWorld’s segment benchmarking to access granular data in order to support their small and medium sized businesse clients.


Consultants can use segment benchmarking to find industry data and insights to better understand a client's operating environment and create strategies that help them with their goals. They can also use it to efficiently identify areas for growth, understand how to mitigate risk and determine strategies to include in client pitches.


Accountants can use segment benchmarking to find more strategic financial benchmarks for smaller companies to calculate a valuation figure more accurately. In addition, accounting firms that work with small and mid-cap companies will find more granular data with segment benchmarking.

Marketing Teams 

Marketing teams looking for more information around market sizing and seeking to understand the landscapes of who their organization or clients can sell to can use segment benchmarking to identify opportunities.

Investment Bankers 

Investment bankers need to identify disruptors in industries and zero in on winning business, plus they need reliable information that will aid in client pitches. Segment benchmarking can help bankers understand the trends of different parts of a target industry to compare businesses to see if they’re over- or under-performing.

For additional questions regarding US Segment Benchmarking, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, please contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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