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How To Craft Prompts for Phil
How To Craft Prompts for Phil

Learn how to craft effective prompts to get the information you need from Phil, IBISWorld’s AI research assistant.

Updated over a week ago

How you phrase your questions for Phil, or your “prompts” significantly influences the quality of Phil’s answers. Follow these tips to learn how to write prompts that Phil will understand to get more accurate and precise answers.

Be clear and specific

If you ask Phil generic questions, you’ll get generic responses. Be very specific about the information you’re looking for to get the answer you need. Add context around your role, the situation, audience and goals to get an answer that’s tailored to your specific situation.

Unclear prompt

Show me opportunities in this industry.

Clear prompt

As an auditor, what are 3 sustainable growth opportunities in this industry for me to include in my audit recommendations? Please consider factors like market conditions, cost avoidance, competitive advantages, and technological advancements.

Be direct

Tell Phil exactly what you want. Phil may need clarification if you are vague or use too much figurative language. Phil won’t know what to show you unless you tell him.

Indirect prompt

Tell me about the performance of this industry.

Direct prompt

What are the key factors driving performance in this industry?

Break down complex queries

Complex or multi-part questions can confuse Phil, leading to incomplete or vague answers. By breaking up a complex query into multiple smaller, more specific questions, you can help Phil address each point with more clarity and precision.

Overly complex query

Provide a detailed overview of this industry, including key trends, growth drivers, and financial performance metrics for small businesses with annual revenues under $10 million, as well as the competitive landscape, regulatory challenges, and potential risks for lenders.

Complex query broken down into simpler questions

  • What are the key trends in this industry?

  • What are the primary growth drivers in this industry, particularly for small businesses with annual revenues under $10 million?

  • What financial performance metrics are commonly used to assess small firms in this industry?

  • Can you provide an overview of the competitive landscape in this industry?

  • What regulatory challenges do small businesses in this industry typically face?

  • What are the potential risks for lenders when working with small businesses in this industry?

State your objective

Telling Phil what you're using the information for helps him tailor his response to your specific needs. Specifying your goal helps Phil prioritize relevant information and structure, ensuring that the output aligns with your objective.

No objective specified

Give me a detailed overview of the current state of the industry including industry trends, growth rates, and key players

Objective specified

Write me an industry overview to include in a business valuation report. Include industry trends, growth rates, and key players.

Indicate tone or style

Phil adjusts the tone and style of his responses based on the type of deliverable you’re requesting. If you’re targeting a very specific audience that requires a distinct tone or style, tell Phil how you want his response to sound.

Here’s how you can align Phil’s answers with the tone and style needed based on your audience:

  • Draft an investment proposal email to a CFO, highlighting the value of financial management software in a persuasive tone.

  • Write an enthusiastic LinkedIn post promoting HR software to small business owners.

  • Create a straightforward overview for an Operations Manager highlighting the latest supply chain trends to identify potential areas for efficiency improvements.


Phil’s answers are only as good as the prompts you give him. How you craft your prompts will determine the quality of Phil’s output. Depending on your needs, combining the tips in this article will ensure Phil’s response checks all your boxes.

For prompt ideas to use Phil to his full potential, check out our blog post on 10 AI Prompts for Speeding Up Industry Analysis.

For more information on IBISWorld’s industry report collections, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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