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Paragraph Builder FAQs

Get answers to questions about the Paragraph Builder feature.

Updated over 3 months ago

What is Paragraph Builder?

Paragraph Builder is a feature that allows you to convert select Industry Report section analyses from list-style to paragraphs.

This feature is our first use of Generative AI technology to produce the content that lives in our reports. Paragraph Builder uses a large language model (LLM) to ingest our analyst-written list-style analysis and generate a natural language paragraph-style version of our written analysis.

How was Paragraph Builder trained, and how does IBISWorld ensure the quality of output?

Paragraph Builder uses a third-party Azure OpenAI Service and the input from our proprietary data and analysis to reformat the list-style analysis into paragraphs. Because OpenAI’s models have been trained using other sources, occasionally, the model will add additional information to our analysis, usually adding information that is considered common sense.

We created and tested multiple versions of Paragraph Builder to improve its accuracy and reduce instances of the generated output misrepresenting the analyst’s intent (E.g., Insinuating a cause-and-effect relationship where none exists). However, as this content is generated by artificial intelligence, it may not be flawless or wholly representative of human analysis. Therefore, the Paragraph Builder analysis should be used as a preliminary reference rather than a conclusive assessment.

We are committed to the continuous improvement of the Paragraph Builder model. We have implemented a process for quality assurance that will include human review of the paragraph analysis output but cannot guarantee that every Paragraph Builder analysis has been reviewed by an employee.

Why was Paragraph Builder created?

Paragraph Builder was created for users whose workflow was affected by our change from paragraph analyses to list-style analyses as part of our Modern Research Experience. This feature allows these users to convert analyses into their preferred format to use in their own materials.

What sections have Paragraph Builder?

Paragraph Builder is available for Current Performance, Industry Outlook, Products and Services, Major Markets, International Trade, Business Locations and Cost Structure.

Do all reports have Paragraph Builder?

Paragraph builder is only available for the following reports:

We plan to expand the feature to US, Australia and UK Specialized Reports.

How do I use Paragraph Builder?

You can turn on paragraph analysis for individual sections within Industry Reports or enable paragraph analysis for all eligible sections in My Account.

Individual sections

You can enable paragraph analysis at the top of the Current Performance, Industry Outlook, Products and Services, Major Markets, International Trade, Business Locations and Cost Structure sections.

All sections

You can enable paragraph analysis for all eligible sections in My Account.

Clients will have three options for Paragraph Builder:

  • Off: Removes the on/off toggle for paragraph analysis in report sections.

  • List-style analysis: Enables the on/off toggle for paragraph analysis in report sections, and analysis defaults to list format.

  • Paragraph analysis: Enables the on/off toggle for paragraph analysis in report sections, and analysis defaults to paragraph format.

The Paragraph Analysis section of My Account.

Can I customize the output generated by the Paragraph Builder?

You can’t customize the output generated by Paragraph Builder.

Does IBISWorld collect personal data for this feature?

No user input is required for Paragraph Builder to generate results, so no personal data is collected.

Does IBISWorld collect and report usage data on this feature?

Usage reporting has not been set up for this feature.

Does paragraph builder use third-party services?

Paragraph Builder output is generated through Azure OpenAI Service.

For additional questions regarding Paragraph Builder, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, please contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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