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Upcoming Accessibility Changes

Understand how upcoming changes to IBISWorld’s platform will temporarily affect its accessibility.

Updated over a week ago

The upcoming changes to IBISWorld’s platform as part of our Modern Industry Research Experience will temporarily affect the platform’s compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

For the platform to comply with WCAG, we must conduct an accessibility audit to obtain a new Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT).

It will take us three months after the launch of the enhanced platform to complete our new VPAT and once again comply with WCAG.

During that three-month period, you will have two options:

  1. Continue using the current version of the IBISWorld platform until the new VPAT is complete (Please note that some report chapters that have been deprecated are not updated as each report is updated, but will remain in the reports. We will not be making functionality enhancements to the 'old' version of the IBISWorld platform.)

  2. Transition to the enhanced platform despite it not being compliant with WCAG.

Here’s a timeline for these events:

  • September 2023 – launch of IBISWorld’s new platform, our Modern Industry Research Experience

  • September to November 2023 – IBISWorld will conduct a new accessibility evaluation of our new platform

  • December 2023 – Updated VPAT will be available

For additional questions regarding the upcoming accessibility changes, please contact your Client Relationship Manager. If you don’t have an IBISWorld account, please contact us to learn more about our membership options.

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